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Cleaning out that garage may seem like a daunting task, so we’ve come up with 8 great garage organization tips to help you through the process. Our tips include: make a plan, clear out what you don’t need, clean, and then organize according to categories. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to get organized!

One of the best garage organization tips we can offer is to put pull out shelves in any existing cabinets in your garage. DIY Shelfworks makes installing your own sliding shelves a breeze. If you would like to find out more about how easy and economical it can be to have your own pull out shelves, contact us today.

7″ Baltic Birch Shelf with Dividers

8 Great Garage Organization Tips

Your garage may be crying out for some TLC, so we have decided to help you out by getting together 8 of the best organization tips we could come up with.

1. Start With A Plan

Your garage makeover will be more successful and will have a better chance of remaining organized if you plan it out ahead of time. Draw a floor plan of your garage, section off the different regions and assign each category of items to their own area in your garage. If you plan to keep a vehicle in the garage, make sure you allow for plenty of space to park it.

Depending on the type of things your family uses, possible categories could include the following:

  • Gardening Tools
  • Sports & Recreational Gear
  • Household and Automotive Tools
  • Paints & Hazardous Items
  • Garbage & Recycling

2. Only Keep What You Really Need

Move the larger items in your garage out first so that you have space to work. Be brutal and don’t keep anything that you never use or will never use. Sort what you are getting rid of into garbage, donations, or garage sale items and make sure you follow through with getting rid of the non-essentials.

3. Clean and Paint

Source: Pinterest from

Once you have cleared everything out of the garage, it’s a great time to clean and then even paint the floor. Painting, staining or applying an epoxy coating to a concrete floor will actually make it look neater. We found an easy tutorial on how to paint a concrete floor on Pinterest which originally came from

4. Gardening Tools

garage organization tips

Source: Pinterest from Hometalk

This great idea for organizing your garden tools came from Pinterest originally from Hometalk. If you aren’t a handyman you will love this. It is actually a pallet left over from a drywall delivery standing on its side and nailed to the garage wall. It works perfectly for storing all of your long handled gardening tools.

5. Sports and Recreational Gear

Source: Pinterest from

Why not transform one section of your garage into a sports locker area, so that each member of your family has their own place to store all of their sporting or recreational gear? That way everyone is responsible for keeping their area organized and tidy. This super idea came originally from but we found it on Pinterest.

6. Household and Automotive Tools

Source: Pinterest from

Hanging every tool you possibly can on a pegboard is one of the best garage organization tips around. And the above picture shows the mother of all pegboard walls. Pegboards are inexpensive and easy to install, plus they allow you to see everything you have in a single glance for quick access. We found this gem on Pinterest and it came from

7. Paints & Hazardous Items

Get Rid Of Any Hazardous Items You Won’t Use: It is not worth your family’s safety to keep leftover paint or cleaners lying around that you are never going to use. According to the Government of Canada, municipal governments are responsible for establishing collection, recycling, composting, and disposal programs for hazardous waste removal. Contact your municipality to find out where and when you can take your hazardous waste for proper disposal.

Keep Hazardous Material In Its Original Container: Even though combining products may seem like a good idea to save space, you should never do it. The original container has all of the pertinent warnings for that product which will help you determine its safest storage methods in the future.

Keep Children And Pets Out: If you have hazardous materials in your garage, keep your children and pets away. Only allow your children to enter if they are supervised by an adult.

Keep Hazardous Materials Locked Up: As an extra security measure, it is a good idea to keep any hazardous products securely locked up in a storage cupboard or container.

Contact Your Local Authority In Case Of Spills: According to  If you spill hazardous waste such as corrosive liquid in your home or on your property it is important to contact your local authority for expert advice on how to clean it up. Do not try to do it yourself in case you get an unexpected reaction that could harm you or your family.

8. Garbage and Recycling

Source: Pinterest from Better Homes and Gardens

When planning out your garage floor plan, it probably makes sense to have your garbage and recycling area easily accessible. A good location for these bins is either close to the access door to your house, if you have one, so that you can quickly deposit your garbage and recyclables; or close to the garage door so that they are accessible on removal days. The above picture found on Pinterest which came originally from Better Homes and Garden is a great spot as it utilizes the small area between the stairs and the wall.

DIY Shelfworks

If you are looking to finally get your garage shelving or cabinets organized, contact DIY Shelfworks. All of our DIY kits are made in Canada from the highest quality materials and they are priced lower than other DIY pull out shelf kits. DIY Shelfworks uses 9 ply Baltic birch to better withstand moisture and dryness. It won’t warp or split. We are so confident in the quality of our shelves that we offer a lifetime warranty. Our all-inclusive pricing means that you won’t have any unexpected additional charges. Even the shelf bumpers are included in our great prices! You can watch the following video to see how easy it is to install your own DIY Shelfworks sliding shelves and then click here to order and get rolling!